Fiesta Bot

Everything you need is included in the attachment. Just extract wherever you want, and that's pretty much it. It includes MicroMacro (the botting program), and the script for Fiesta. A full HTML manual is included, and you can use it in just about any game. It uses the BSD license, so you are free to modify and distribute if needed. C++ source included.

This bot is designed to work in Fiesta at 1024*768 resolution only. Other resolutions might work, but haven't been tested. Also, make sure you haven't moved the enemy's HP bar that shows up at the top when selected.

What it does:
Your character will walk around and kill any enemies nearby, pick up close items, rest, use potions, use teleports in extreme danger, and take a screen cap if you die.

To use: (I know lazy people aren't actually going to read the manual)
Open micromacro.exe, type "fiestabot.lua" (without quotes), and press enter. Now go back to Fiesta, and press F5 to start botting. F6 will pause it (F5 to resume), and CTRL+L to load or re-load.

Modifications needed:
Open scripts/fiestabot.lua with notepad, and modify this section near the top to your real in-game hotkeys.

key_pickup = key.VK_2;
key_attack = key.VK_1; -- normal melee attack
key_skill1 = key.VK_3;
key_skill2 = key.VK_4;
key_skill3 = key.VK_5;

key_hppotion = key.VK_EQUAL;
key_sppotion = key.VK_DASH;
key_teleport = key.VK_7;

You may also need to modify these two lines if a patch changes the address of HP/SP

HP_addr = "0074DFB7";
SP_addr = "0074DFBB";

These control when to use rest, potions, and teleports. Modify them, too.

HP_restamt = 100; -- HP to rest at
HP_emergency = 65; -- emergency! use a potion!
HP_teleport = 40; -- somebody is trying to get you killed...teleport!
SP_restamt = 50; -- SP to rest at
SP_emergency = 20;

Final adjustment... the bot, by default, is set for mages. If you are a knight, you need to modify this section:

if( have_target() ) then
if( math.random(100) > 90 )
then move_forward(); end

to use knight_fight() instead of mage_fight(); You will find this at the very bottom of the script. If you are an archer or cleric, you can modify knight_fight() (near the top) to fit your needs.

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